
欧美剧   电视剧 美国  2023  英语 


主演:托马辛·麦肯齐 德文·特雷尔 Brandon McClelland James Sweeny 罗温·维特 Contessa Treffone 罗温·维特 Rowan Witt Brigid Zengeni 


整理:2023-04-22 00:04:01


改编自真实事件的六集黑色喜剧《完全好》是圣丹斯原创剧集,由托马辛·麦肯齐(兔子乔乔)主演,探讨了悲伤的复杂性、友谊的力量以及悲伤如何将我们团结在一起。该剧讲述了20多岁的Vivian Cunningham (McKenzie饰)的生活一团糟的故事。上周,她不小心用培根味的电子烟烧毁了她哥哥的素食餐车,本周,她继承了祖父在沿海悬崖顶上的小屋,并肩负着帮助那些太接近边缘的人的任务。

Inspired by true events, six-part dark comedy Totally Completely Fine, a Sundance Now Original series, stars Thomasin McKenzie (JoJo Rabbit) and explores the complexities of grief, the power of friendship, and the ways our sadness can unite us. Per the logline, the series follows 20-something Vivian Cunningham (McKenzie), whose life is a mess. Last week she accidentally burnt down her brother’s vegan food truck with a bacon-flavored vape and this week she’s inherited her grandfather’s coastal clifftop shack and is tasked with helping people who come too close to the edge.

我真的没事相关链接: 我真的没事 马辛 麦肯 乔乔 Inspired 由托 McKenzie 

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